NIGP professional development curriculaNIGP professional development curricula
The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) offers a range of professional development course offerings, including face-to-face courses, online courses, onsite training, and webinars.
February 1, 2009
The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) offers a range of professional development course offerings. For more information about NIGP’s educational programs, contact [email protected], or call Carol D. Hodes, CAE, Director, Education and Professional Development, at 800-367-6447 x253.
Face-to-Face Courses
Adding Value to the Procurement Process
Explains how to maximize the value that procurement brings to an organization. And a little bit more. (1 day)
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Addresses the history, elements, advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution. (2 days)
To prepare candidates for the CPPB exam and help students assess their strengths and weaknesses, this course provides a review that addresses key information on topics identified in the 2008 UPPCC Body of Knowledge. (2 days)
To prepare candidates for the CPPO exam and help students assess their strengths and weaknesses, this course provides a review that addresses key information on topics identified in the 2008 UPPCC Body of Knowledge. (2 days)
Capital Acquisitions
Capital expenditures represent one-third of the total expense budgets of state and local governments. This course examines how the responsible public procurement agent ensures a long-term, best-value solution. (2 days)
Change Management for Procurement Professionals
Provides an overview of the change process and how it affects the procurement organization, presenting elements of a successful transition, discussing the psychology of change and teaching methods to implement change in organization environments. (2 days)
Contract Administration*
Learn the various methods of contract administration, how to prepare a relevant plan and how to evaluate the success of the contract. The course also identifies important contract terms and conditions that must be enforced during contract administration. (3 days)
Contracting for Construction Services
Examines the many processes and techniques that contribute to successful public works projects. Understanding how construction projects are initially defined and budgeted, the responsibilities of the project manager, major methods of construction and how to select contractors are critical to every capital development program. (2 days)
Contracting for Public Sector Services
Call it privatization, outsourcing, competitive tendering or alternative service delivery, contracting for public sector services dominates contract spending at all levels of government. This courses examines the entire process and addresses special considerations of the services RFP, the contract award and contract administration.
Customer Service: The Key to Success in Public Procurement
For a complete understanding of the value of providing excellent service, this course provides essential guidelines and specific methods of improving service quality. (2 days)
Developing and Managing RFPs*
Get the maximum potential from your RFP process. This course prepares you with a full understanding of the process, proposal elements and ways to use the full capability of the RFP document. (3 days)
Effective Contract Writing
This practical course presents the structure and meaning of enforceable contracts and provides tips and tricks on language to use when writing contracts for any entity. (2 days)
Effective Management of Construction Contracts
Helps procurement professionals understand the specifics and differences in construction contracts to minimize risk and liability. (1 day)
Ethics: A Survival Kit for Public Procurement
Using exercises and case studies, this practical course teaches discernment, discipline and effectiveness as vital elements of ethical decision-making. Participants will analyze both moral and business considerations. (1 day)
Fundamentals of Leadership and Management
Motivation, decision-making, communication, conflict management, group dynamics and organizational change — this course looks at the ways these issues inter-relate, combining discussions of theory with practical application to improve your organization’s effectiveness. (2 days)
Get What You Need through Successful Negotiation Strategies
This course introduces core principles for negotiation, including characteristics of a good negotiator, critical elements in every negotiation, basic strategies, tactics used for and against you, how to overcome negative attacks and how to read the other person. (2 days)
Introduction to Public Procurement*
An overview of fundamental concepts necessary for success in a public procurement career. The course describes the roles, major components and functions of public procurement as well as the importance of ethics and how procurement adds value to the delivery of services. (3 days)
Legal Aspects of Public Procurement*
In this course, a procurement professional, not an attorney, helps you build a strong foundation of the principles and general concepts of the law as it applies to public procurement. Based on actual procurement situations, the course addresses issues such as the UCC, the Model Procurement Code, Sale of Goods Act, professional ethics and the legal implications surrounding solicitations, contracting and post-award issues. (3 days)
Logistics and Transportation
This course explores the benefits of contracting product transport services independently of the product itself. Participants gain knowledge of logistics contracting and the responsibilities, legal aspects and competitive market of transportation carriers. (2 days)
Managing Your End-Users and Suppliers: It’s All About Relationships
Learn how to strengthen relationships with end-users and suppliers to improve procurement’s effectiveness. (1 day)
Marketing 101 for the Procurement Professional
Learn how to market your profession, yourself and your value. You can make a difference. (1 day)
Negotiate to Win-Win Solutions
This course introduces core principles for negotiation, including characteristics of a good negotiator, critical elements in every negotiation, basic strategies, tactics used for and against you, how to overcome negative attacks and how to read the other person. (3 days)
Performance-Based Request for Proposals
This course provides the requisite skills and tools you need to successfully manage performance-based contracting. Classroom activities incorporate case studies to evaluate the effectiveness and application of the process. (2 days)
Planning, Scheduling and Requirement Analysis*
An organization’s strategic planning is intrinsically related to procurement planning as is developing key partnerships within the organization. Course participants learn to build those relationships and explore planning models, public sector budgeting and pricing strategies. (3 days)
Presentation Skills for Procurement Officials
Through active participation, this course teaches students how to structure and deliver an effective, enthusiastic and persuasive presentation. (2 days)
Principles and Techniques of Problem-Solving
We are all challenged to find creative and effective solutions to problems, both new and old. The creative process taught in this course can be applied in work or personal situations. Questions to ask at each step in the process help you learn how to awaken your own creative energy and how to get others to buy into new ideas. (1 day)
Procurement under Federal Programs and Grants
This course is designed to equip the procurement professional with a solid understanding of grants and federal programs. Participants evaluate federal requirements for unique criteria, formulate correctly modeled plans to procure under grant and other federal programs, and successfully apply the resulting purchasing and contracts in an acceptable manner. (2 days)
Project Management for Workgroups
This course provides the new or part-time manager with a solid foundation of good project management skills. Learn how to hold vendors responsible, achieve high-quality results, avoid schedule and cost overruns, and other useful habits. (2 days)
Protests and Disputes: What is a Buyer to Do?
Take it one step at a time to understand the nature of a protest and its contributing factors. This lively seminar provides an opportunity to discuss real examples, determine root causes, predict opinions and execute improved processes. (1 day)
Risk Management in Public Contracting
Procurement professionals learn to identify, assess and mitigate risks to the maximum practical extent while also considering cost and other factors. (2 days)
Sourcing in the Public Sector*
This course addresses sourcing methods and invitation documents, the acquisition process, evaluation of response submissions and contract awards. It also explores the effects of relevant trends and technological developments. (3 days)
Warehousing and Inventory Control
Course participants build a strong foundation in management of inventory, warehouse and information systems. (2 days)
World-Class Procurement Practices
Explore the practices that public agencies use to achieve “world-class” procurement. Case studies illustrate many common practices that are considered among the best and most successful. (1 day)
Online Courses
CPPB Virtual Prep
An online version of the face-to-face CPPB Prep, this course provides a review that addresses key information on topics identified in the 2008 UPPCC Body of Knowledge. (16 hours)
CPPO Virtual Prep
An online version of the face-to-face CPPO Prep, this course provides a review that addresses key information on topics identified in the 2008 UPPCC Body of Knowledge. (16 hours)
How to Process and Evaluate Bids
This online course identifies the procedures for correct processing of sealed bids and understanding how to award a contract. (8 hours)
Specification Writing
This online course defines what constitutes a good specification, the types of specifications and the principles of successful technical writing. (6 hours)
Unit Cost Analysis
This online course identifies the appropriate outputs for an organizational unit or program component and determines the costs estimated to produce those outputs. (4 hours)
Onsite Training
A restrictive budget need not restrict an agency’s staff from getting the best professional development courses available. NIGP provides any combination of educational courses directly to your staff via onsite programs. This is an excellent way to provide education for your staff while eliminating the cost of travel and accommodations.
NIGP Webinars are 90-minute, Web-based topical seminars that provide time-challenged professionals the opportunity to earn contact hours without ever leaving the office. Offered throughout the year, Webinars allow you and your entire procurement office to stay abreast of the best practices and current issues in our profession.
* NIGP Foundation Courses — essential content for purchasing professionals seeking certification or university degrees.