News of the Weird - Feb. 18, 2007News of the Weird - Feb. 18, 2007
Bizarre but true stories about real people collected by syndicated columnist Chuck Shepherd.
February 18, 2007
Written by American City & County Administrator
Bizarre but true stories about real people collected by syndicated columnist Chuck Shepherd.
In a deposition, Ennis, Texas, physician Aniruddha Chitale admitted that semen that patient Sherry Simpson found on her face after a 2004 colonoscopy was his and thus later pleaded guilty to sexual assault. However, in his deposition (according to a report by Dallas’ WFAA-TV), Chitale insisted that the act that produced the semen was “unintentional.” (Simpson is now suing Ennis Regional Medical Center for having tolerated Chitale’s behavior.)
Federal prosecutors have insisted so far that any ill-gotten money that former Enron executives had squirreled away in their spouses’ names still can be fully recovered by the government, except for one executive. Michael Kopper, once a director of Enron’s global finance unit, pleaded guilty in 2002 to illegally obtaining $16.5 million, but he is openly gay. And since his home state of Texas does not recognize his union with his longtime partner, prosecutors cannot treat the partner as a “spouse” and have lumped him with “third party” transferees, whose assets are much more difficult to obtain.
(Send your Weird News to Chuck Shepherd, P.O. Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679 or [email protected] or go to NEWS OF THE WEIRD