Case Study: How One County Saved $800,000 by Right-Sizing Their Fleet & Sharing VehiclesCase Study: How One County Saved $800,000 by Right-Sizing Their Fleet & Sharing Vehicles
June 13, 2019
In just over 100 days, the Forsyth County, NC automotive division achieved significant savings by eliminating 8% of their total fleet, streamlining key management processes, and slashing by 50% the county’s expenses for personally-owned vehicle (POV) usage.
Officials at Forsyth County NC say that automating their fleet processes has given them the data needed to make decisions to reduce the fleet and reduce costs. Forsyth County’s fleet serves 2,000 users and fields more than 400 requests for vehicles on a daily basis. “The 50 vehicles we cut were eligible for replacement. It would have cost the county $800,000 to replace those vehicles, not to mention ongoing maintenance and depreciation expenses that would have been associated with those new vehicles. That’s a considerable savings,” they say.
Read about how they:
Greened their fleet by putting the right vehicles in the right areas and putting mileage on older model vehicles rather than have them remain unused
Have total control of vehicles and share among departments in order to slash personal vehicle use reimbursements
Streamlined key fleet management processes to save time and reduce costs
Collect usage data in order to make essential right-sizing decisions
And more!
Download this case study and learn more about how Forsyth County achieved fleet management success and how you can, too.
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