Water treatment pumps
The Blue-White Industries ProSeries Flex-Flo M3 and M4 peristaltic metering pumps are used to inject treatment chemicals in municipal water and wastewater systems.
The Blue-White Industries ProSeries Flex-Flo M3 and M4 peristaltic metering pumps are used to inject treatment chemicals in municipal water and wastewater systems. They feature a 10,000:1 turndown ratio, a five-year warranty, a tube-failure detection system and a brushless DC motor. The pumps have output rates up to 158.5 GPH (600 LPH) and are pressure-rated up to 125 psi with tubing engineered for long service life. The revolution count display has a user-programmable alarm set-point for tube maintenance.
Blue-White Industries, Huntington Beach, Calif.
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Tags: Public Works & Utilities