High-temperature spray nozzle
The Oil-Rite high-temperature spray nozzle can be used to dispense lubricants or industrial fluids within close proximity to machinery operating at high temperatures, such as ovens, molding equipment, during welding operations, or in any other situation where heat is a factor.
The Oil-Rite high-temperature spray nozzle can be used to dispense lubricants or industrial fluids within close proximity to machinery operating at high temperatures, such as ovens, molding equipment, during welding operations, or in any other situation where heat is a factor. The unit safely delivers both fluid and air to the target area. The nozzle works with a compact PurgeX positive displacement pump. Heat-resistant copper tubing from 3 to 48 inches long on the outlet allows the pump to maintain a safe distance from the heat source.
Oil-Rite Corp., Manitowoc, Wis.
Circle 304 on Reader Service Card or visit freeproductinfo.net/gn
Tags: Public Works & Utilities