Gas sensor
Forston Labs' carbon dioxide gas sensors are available in two ranges: 0 to 10,000 or 0 to 100,000 parts per million (ppm), and connect directly to the LabNavigator instrument for continuous, time-based or routine monitoring.
Forston Labs’ carbon dioxide gas sensors are available in two ranges: 0 to 10,000 or 0 to 100,000 parts per million (ppm), and connect directly to the LabNavigator instrument for continuous, time-based or routine monitoring. Accuracy is +/- 100 ppm with 95 percent response time of full-scale reading in 120 seconds. A calibration button ensures accurate calibrating. The unit’s normal operating temperature range is 25 degrees Celsius, and operating humidity range is 5 – 95 percent. It can be used alone or with up to four other sensors, including GPS for mapping data points with Google Maps.
Forston Labs, Fort Collins, Colo.
Circle 302 on Reader Service Card or visit