Turf aerator
The Plugr VersaTow is a pull-behind turf aerator that features 12-inch self-storing wings on each side of the 36-inch main frame, allowing operation at 36-, 48- or 60-inch widths.
The Plugr VersaTow is a pull-behind turf aerator that features 12-inch self-storing wings on each side of the 36-inch main frame, allowing operation at 36-, 48- or 60-inch widths. The wings float independently for smooth results on uneven terrain. VersaTow is compatible with a Category One 3-point hitch or a standard tow bar. The unit delivers 6-by-7-inch core spacing up to 4 inches deep from 80 heat-treated ⅝-inch tubular tines. The pneumatic tires lower for transport with a hand-operated actuator.
SourceOne Outdoor Power Equipment, Lincoln, Neb.
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